3 Easy Steps to Make S’mores the British Way

S’mores – Pic by Evan-Amos via WikipediaCC0

On a recent “real” camping adventure at Abbotstone Wood in Hampshire we were able to have an open campfire. This was great fun to build and meant only one thing was on our menu come tea time. S’mores!

S’Mores are a deliciously gooey North American favourite made with a combination of fire roasted marshmallow, chocolate and graham crackers squished together to make a sandwich with a difference. The dish is so popular in America that they even have a national S’mores day on the 10th of August each year and the name itself is derived from Some More showing just how popular and tasty they are. But can you make S’mores in Britain? With a few twists on the ingredients yes you can.

Alternatively, if you simply must make S’mores the American way they take a look at one of these S’mores kits.

Step 1 to make S’mores: Know and buy your ingredients

S’mores ingredients laid out

The ingredients for S’Mores are pretty simple and the first two, Marshmallows and Chocolate, are really easy to get. We opted for a bag of large Marshmallows and Giant Cadbury Chocolate buttons (the best chocolate in the world). However, the third ingredient was something called a Graham Cracker. We wondered what on earth this was and doubted it would be on the supermarket shelves in the UK and we were right.

A graham cracker, pronounced “grahmm” cracker, is a biscuit made from unbleached white flour mixed with wheat bran and germ. Created in 1829 by Sylvester Graham, a Presbyterian minister in New Jersey, it was originally conceived as a health food (to help curb carnal appetite no less) and made unsweetened. But, over the year’s sugar and other sweeteners have been added and this is now firmly known as a biscuit in America. But do they sell graham crackers in the UK?

Yes, the prevalent brand in the UK seems to be Nabisco Graham Crackers available from Amazon and a few specialist retailers. Now, we were on a camping trip so we couldn’t afford to wait two days for our Graham Crackers to be delivered by Amazon. So, instead, we needed to find an alternative and turned to a British classic…the digestive biscuit. A bit thicker than a Graham Cracker but just as tasty and goes better with a cup of tea.

So the ingredients required for British S’mores are:

  1. Large marshmallows
  2. Giant Cadbury chocolate Buttons
  3. McVitie’s Digestive biscuits

Step 2 to make S’mores: Cook the marshmallows

Cooking S’mores

This part is easy I thought. I was wrong. We quickly discovered it is very easy to get the process wrong and send your Marshmallow from perfect to burnt in seconds. You have to keep turning them over and watch carefully with the perfect time to take them out.

The perfect cook for a marshmallow is when the outside is starting to colour and bubble on the outside. The colour you are looking for is similar to brown sugar and is caused as the outside of the marshmallow begins to caramelise.

At this point the inside of your marshmallow is guaranteed to be gooey and delicious.

Don’t be tempted to let it catch fire as they burn quick and it will then have a very bitter taste.

Also, be careful that it doesn’t fall off your stick.

Once you have your perfectly cooked Marshmallow it’s time to bring the ingredients together and create a S’more.

Step 3 to make S’mores: Squish it all together and take a bite

Squish together and enjoy those S’mores

This was everyone’s favourite part of making S’mores.

Take a digestive and pull/spread the cooked marshmallow onto the biscuit. Take another biscuit and lay on as many Cadbury Buttons as you can.

Now squish them together and give it a moment for the heat of the marshmallow to melt the chocolate.

Now take a big bite and enjoy the delicious taste of S’mores the British way.

3 Steps to make S’mores: Overall

Overall making S’mores was great and messy fun.

It is really suited to camping and something the whole family can have a go at. Just be careful around the fire.

More information on S’mores

If you want a traditional S’more

If you want to go for traditional American style S’mores instead then pick up one of these great and easy to use S’mores kits.

For more information on these kits check out our guide to S’mores kits in the UK.

You don’t need a open campfire to make S’mores

If your campsite doesn’t allow open fires or you want to make S’mores at home in the UK then try these alternatives.

  • A camping gas stove
  • A candle
  • A chef’s blowtourch
  • A camping BBQ or BBQ
  • A portable fire pit

Where can you buy Graham Crackers in the UK?

For more information on Graham Crackers, and where to buy them in the UK, check out our complete guide to Graham Crackers in the UK.

What are S’mores called in the UK?

S’mores are called S’mores in the UK, we don’t have an alternative name and just use the original US name.

What does S’mores stand for?

The name S’mores is derived the phrase Some More and comes from concatenating the two words together.

The name was originally applied to this tasty combination of biscuit, chocolate and marshmallow and it is so tasty you always want some more.

What is the best chocolate for making S’mores in the UK?

The best chocolate for making S’mores in the UK are giant Cadbury milk chocolate buttons as they fit really well in the (disgestive) biscuit and our thin enough to be melted by the hot marshmallow while thick enough to still give a great chocolate flavour hit.

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